26/IV/2019 13:00 AulaX Estratexias TFG, TFM, PhD by Raquel, Sandra & Lorenzo and Stereochemistry in atropisomerism by Víctor
Passed Group Meetings
2/II/2018 TFG project overview by Bahar, Xaquin, and Nur
9/II/2018 Why is it Relevant? by Lorenzo
2/III/2018 TFG project overview by Andrea.
9/III/2018 Groupmeeting.
16/III/2018 Groupmeeting.
6/IV/2018 TFG project overview by David.
13/IV/2018 Chirality elements by Bahar.
21(IV/2018 Near future SCF overview round table.
27/IV/2018 Symmetry elements by Nur.
4/V/2018 Groupmeeting.
25/V/2018 Chiroptical Responses: From Structural Determination to Diagnosis by Lorenzo. (A23)
1/VI/2018 Presenting a TFG (A23).
8/VI/2018 preTFG presentation by Nur, Bahar, and Andrea (A22).
15/VI/2018 The Power of Chiral Axes: on the Way from Molecular Design to Device-Compatible Chiroptical Materials by Lorenzo (A22).
29/VI/2018 FromChiral Axes to Chiroptical Solutions, Surfaces, and Materials by Lorenzo (A22).
28/IX/2018 Restart Lunch!! 13:00
11/X/2018-11:00 A23 PhD-Chiroptical Functional Surfaces through Axially Chiral Frameworks for Sensing by Ani and TFG-Estudio de derivados de ácido pinacólico en complejos de iridioby Saray
26/X/2018 15:00 A23 Current Results and PhD Outlook by Ani
30/XI/2018-11:00 A23 Smart Chiral Frameworks: Strategy 2019 by Sandra, Raquel, and Lorenzo
14/XII/2018 12:00 Christmas Lunch at Chemistry Faculty 3rd floor
11/I/2019 12:00 Audiovisuais Theragnostic approach for early diagnosis of Alzheimer´s Disease: PANA Project by Tomás Sobrino
25/I/2019 11:00 A27 Stereochemistry in Organometallic Compounds by Andrea
15/II/2019 11:00 Aula 27 Metallaaromatics by Krystal and Metallaaromatic Spirobifluorenes by Vanessa